Sanitation and child health in India
with Britta Augsburg
World Development (2018)
Our study contributes to the understanding of key drivers of stunted growth, a factor widely recognised as major impediment to human capital development. Specifically, we examine the effects of sanitation coverage and usage on child height for age in a semi-urban setting in Northern India. We use instrumental variables to control for endogeneity of sanitation usage coverage. We find that sanitation coverage plays a signicant and positive role in height growth during the first years of life.
Published version:
Replication data: GitHub DengueBehavioural
Below: the marginal effects of increasing sanitation coverage by 1 pp. on the standardised height-for-age score by age of the child. An increase of ten percentage point in sanitation coverage is translated into approximately 0.7 centimetres increase for a four year old child.