Economics of ageing
Effects of outbreak media coverage: Zika virus and fertility behaviour in Colombia
We estimated the impact on birth rate and demand for health care services of the Zika virus (ZIKV) outbreak in Colombia. We do so by...
Sanitation and child health in India
with Britta Augsburg World Development (2018) Our study contributes to the understanding of key drivers of stunted growth, a factor...
Behavioural Response to a Sudden Health Risk: Dengue and Educational Outcomes in Colombia
With Kai Barron and Luis F. Gamboa Journal of Development Studies (2018) This paper makes use of a short, sharp, unexpected health shock...
On the economic value of preventive care: a life-cycle model perspective
Job market paper This paper estimates the value of the adoption of a preventive care innovation while taking into account its effect on...
Identifying complementarities across tasks using two-part contracts. An application to family doctor
With Marcos Vera-Hernández. This is derived from a chapter of my PhD dissertation, Essays on the Economics of Health. We propose an...
Early diagnosis of chronic conditions and lifestyle modification
This is derived from a chapter of my PhD dissertation, Essays on the Economics of Health. This paper estimates the potential impact of...
Are Public Libraries Improving Quality of Education? When the Provision of Public Goods is not Enoug
with José D.Trujillo and Daniel Valderrama This paper analyzes the relation between public, education-related infrastructure and the...
Cartoons and Economics
With Juanita Villaveces Do cartoons tell us something new about economic history? We explore some topics on Colombian economic history...
Measuring Individuals Valuation of Health Care: Labour Market Perspective
How can we value improvements on quantity and quality of life? This question has motivated several research agendas in economics...